What a start!

We’re about a month past the launch of Portland Renaissance and the response has been overwhelming. I’m grateful for all the social media dopamine on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, for the personal feedback from readers, as well as some great reviews on Amazon. Sales, both online and in-person, have been brisk, which makes me happy because I want people to know what a cool town Portland is.

Speaking of cool, I just dropped off a few hard-cover copies of Portland Renaissance to a cool shop called Grafletics, which specializes is Pacifgic Northwest-inspired gear. Lots of hats, shirts, water bottles and such, most with a Portland flavor. Check it out in Westmoreland at 7013 SE Milwaukie Ave., where the old Westmoreland Bistro was. Pay Rick a visit and tell him I sent you.


A fun TV interview


Portland Renaissance has gone digital